Web Design

In collaboration with: AYNO Videoconferenze and Harea Kreativa

www.ayno.it        &       www.hareakreativa.com

Web Design for:

Main Tasks:

• Updating  and Maintenance of contents;
• Creation of  new product pages showing the most important feauters and technocal skills for each device in a correct and well presented way.
•  Using Adobe Creative suite (Photoshop and Illustrator) in order to get a correct contents disposition and a fine result.



Here you can find the link:

Web Design for:

Main Tasks:

• Developing the web pages

• Insertion of texts and images in web pages

• Contents editing using Adobe Creative suite (Photoshop and Illustrator) in order to get a better and high quality result

• Development of infographics to show the company services

• Technical description of the products done on Harea Kreativa web site (Pharmacies, expositors, counters and display units)


Here you can find the link: