BAYER - Arena
Type: Conference Space
Year: 2018
Location: Via Ludovico di Breme -
In collaboration with:
Description: Arena is a space of union and collaboration, placed on the first floor of Bayer's building and detached to the other open-space locals by a middle-high element.
The capacity of Arena is estimated in 20/25 people in total, by the nature of this kind of space Arena is adaptable to guest meetings, formal and informal events.
Project: Design and realization of a multi-monitors system requested from Bayer Italia for the new space Arena.
Videowall 3x3 is composed of 9 monitors of 46 inches and it works to show tutorials, promotional videos and to hold multimedia lessons.
The structure includes also an HDMI wall plate to share the contents and a touch panel to manage and command the space.
Audio is provided by several soundbars placed under the videowall.